Seed bag chrysanthemum

Seed bag: Edible chrysanthemum The seed bags are also intended as a medium against racism: Short texts are printed on the backs of the bags about projects that are committed to the inclusion of refugees and support mutual cultural enrichment.   Further information Integration project: Über den Tellerrand Plant: Edible chrysanthemum   Designer: TienMin Liao… Continue reading Seed bag chrysanthemum

Categorised as Seed bag

Seed bag Black caraway

Seed bag: Black caraway The seed bags are also intended as a medium against racism: Short texts are printed on the backs of the bags about projects that are committed to the inclusion of refugees and support mutual cultural enrichment.       Further information Integration project: Grandhotel Cosmopolis   Plant: Black caraway   Designer: Studio… Continue reading Seed bag Black caraway

Categorised as Seed bag

Seed bag cinnamon basil

Seed bag: Cinnamon basil The seed bags are also intended as a medium against racism: Short texts are printed on the backs of the bags about projects that are committed to the inclusion of refugees and support mutual cultural enrichment.       Further information Integration project: Die Halle Plant: Cinnamon basil Designer: Melissa Fernandez    … Continue reading Seed bag cinnamon basil

Categorised as Seed bag

Seed bag sage

Seed bag: Sage The seed bags are also intended as a medium against racism: Short texts are printed on the backs of the bags about projects that are committed to the inclusion of refugees and support mutual cultural enrichment.   Further information Integration project: Trickmisch   Plant: Sage  Designer: Aurelia Durand        Oregano Black caraway 

Categorised as Seed bag

Seed bag lavender

Seed bag: Lavender The seed bags are also intended as a medium against racism: Short texts are printed on the backs of the bags about projects that are committed to the inclusion of refugees and support mutual cultural enrichment.   Further information Plant: Lavender   Integration project: S27   Designer: Mario Lombardo         Nasturtium Oregano

Categorised as Seed bag

Seed bad tomato

Seed bag: Tomato The seed bags are also intended as a medium against racism: Short texts are printed on the backs of the bags about projects that are committed to the inclusion of refugees and support mutual cultural enrichment.   Further information Integration project: Peace of Paper   Plant: Tomato   Designer: Francesca Sanna       … Continue reading Seed bad tomato

Categorised as Seed bag

Seed bag wild pansy

Seed bag: Wild pansy The seed bags are also intended as a medium against racism: Short texts are printed on the backs of the bags about projects that are committed to the inclusion of refugees and support mutual cultural enrichment.   Further information Integration project: Missed in Action  Plant: Wild pansy Designer: Hannah Buckman  … Continue reading Seed bag wild pansy

Categorised as Seed bag

Seed bag oregano

Seed bag: Greek Oregano The seed bags are also intended as a medium against racism: Short texts are printed on the backs of the bags about projects that are committed to the inclusion of refugees and support mutual cultural enrichment.   Further information Integration project: Über den Tellerrand Pflant: Oregano   Designer: Ingrid Irsigler  … Continue reading Seed bag oregano

Categorised as Seed bag

Seed bag nasturtium

Seed bag: Nasturtium The seed bags are also intended as a medium against racism: Short texts are printed on the backs of the bags about projects that are committed to the inclusion of refugees and support mutual cultural enrichment.   Further information Integration project: mimycri Plant: Nasturtium Designer: Abraham Zeitoun      Chrysanthemum Lavender 

Categorised as Seed bag